We all know about those shopping adventures that are a little out of your element. The kind of shopping that doesn't involve clothes, shoes, or bag...YIKES! Yes, that kind of shopping does exist! I, however, am so good at shopping that I can find something fun to buy anywhere. (hah!) My favorite new purchase is a 52x52, cozily wonderful blanket scarf from Rural King. I purchased on a shopping trip while accompanying my husband, the sole purpose was for truck batteries and hunting gear. Snooze! At time of purchase, the scarves were $9.98 and now they are marked down for pre-Black Friday sale at $7.98!!!
All joking aside, I actually love browsing Rural King! You truly never know what you might find! Please refer to me from now on as the Rural Queen whenever I am donning this happy & bright new scarf!
Shop this look:
Cozy Tartan Scarf Shawl $8.99
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