What's Your New Year's Fashion Resolution?

Create a set showcasing your New Year's fashion resolution. How are you changing your style for the new year? Stepping out in sequins? Going bold with animal prints, plaid or bright colors? Putting on the flair with feathers and ruffles? Are you a trendsetter or conservatively trying out new styles? Show us your how you plan to evolve your wardrobe and style in the New Year.

What's ShhhopSecret's New Year's Resolution? Step it Up: Wear More Heels!!!

Get your own Mini Editor from Polyvore

Your set could win a $500 American Express gift card! If ShhhopSecret wins the Polyvore Challenge, then 1 set design will be chosen to win too!

Pssst: Is there something missing from our mini editor that you think would ultimately make your fashion resolution complete? Leave a comment & we'll update the content. :)

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Alyssa said...

I made a set, love all the items you picked! Good luck!

ShhhopSecret said...

Thanks! Good luck to you too! :)

Anonymous said...

I think that gift car is one of the best presents. I mean, you let the person decide and buy only those thing, that he needs. It's much more better than buying worthless items, which are unnecessary. I wish MyAssignmentHelp had such card! Few of my friend really need it!))

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